Accessories and Fish Food
We carry a complete line of Tetra Nutrition System Flakes and Pellets, Hai Feng Flakes and Pellets, HBH Shrimp Pellets, San Francisco Bay Brand Plankton and dry Shrimps, Hikari Flakes and Cichlid Pellets, OSI Spirulina Flakes and Pellets, Spectrum, Nutrafin Max Fakes and Pellets for Goldfish and Tropical, as well as frozen food. At Exotic Aquarium you will find all the parts that you need to help keep your aquarium clean and healthy. From filters, filter accessories, medications, sand, gravels, gravel vac system, heaters, air pumps, air lines, lightings, filter cartridges, bulbs, small to large fish bows, aquarium glass tops, liquid supplements, turtle accessories, water conditioners.